Sunday Sentence

Sunday Sentence | March 6, 2016



“Babe squalling at her breast, her robe falling open, she chased them down the alley until one of the boys finally turned, and with no sign of hesitation, leveled his rifle at her.”

Sunday Sentence | January 31, 2016

Maisie Dobbs

“Even if she hadn’t been the last person to walk through the turnstile at Warren Street tube station, Jack Barker would have noticed the tall, slender woman in the navy blue, thigh-length jacket with a matching pleated skirt short enough to reveal a well turned ankle.”

Sunday Sentence | January 3, 2016


“It was taken for granted by this trio of adults that Lotto was special.”

Sunday Sentence | October 25

DYE Family

“There’s a lot of resentment simmering underneath the smiles and so good to see yous and no problem, happy to do thats of this town.”